
Orbis non sufficit

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Various doings.

Well that last comment thread was rather insistant on an update, so I shall post one.
Nearly the end of my second week of uni, only one lecture to go to tomorrow. Its been a reasonably hardcore week actually. The actual work hasn't been terribly hard or anything and I havn't even had the much of it, but with the amount of time i've been spending at uni I'm feeling pretty buggered. I've started to nod off in more than one lecture. Its coz of this Kendo and Orchestra business really. Keeps me at uni till 8 on monday, 6 on tuesday, 8 on wednesday and 10 on thursday. Thats a LOT of time on campus. Kendo's cool though, well worth my time doing and the Orchestra isn't bad either. It's not as fun as kendo but I'm going to keep doing it because I know that if I don't my skill in playing the viola will plummet and one day I'll wake up regretting that I never learned to play it better. I prefer to have as few regrets as possible. In fact you could say thats one of my goals in life, to have no regrets about anything. Actually a better phrasing is that I strive to never do anything that I will regret. There was also a nifty poster I happened to see at uni in one of the shops, it had an inspiring picture and said "the difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary is that little extra".
Anyway, I'm very glad tommorow is Friday and I can sleep in a little longer and go home really early.
Oh, and theres a big martial arts demonstration at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatics centre in the city on saturday at 7.00pm, I reckon we should all go, it'd be cool. Its free, so fear not about that. Anyway, I'm gonna go and anyone else is welcome to come with me.
Oh yeah, I decided not to go on band camp this weekend because I'm feeling too buggered and I want to go to see this demonstration.

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