
Orbis non sufficit

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Ring Mystery Solved!

Mark and his mum have unravelled this little mystery of mine. Mark showed his mum the pic and she just happened to recognise it, because she is a "wannabe hippie" as Mark put it.
Here is marks explanation:
'...its a buddhist saying "Om Mani Padme Hum" it means "hail the jewel in the lotus." Its meant to be a protective saying.
Om Mani Padme Hum is a syllable incocation of Avolkiteswara one who is invoked as the savior and the protector from danger. One who recites this mantra, he will be saved from all danger and will be protected. So this mantra is widely found in every field of Mahayana Buddhism. One can find this mantra inscribed on rocks prayer wheels, walls, loose stones exits. As this mantra saves from all danger people used it as pendant, rings ect. for the protection."

He also supplied these pictures, which I found very convincing:

Compare those to this:

and I say case closed!

So now I have me a ring with a mantra that will protect me from all danger. I told you I was invincible!
Ominous eh? Strange that I should just happen to find a ring to protect me from all danger lying at my feet at a beach in woop woop. What's being suggested here, that some danger is coming that I will need protection from?
Ah well, no need to worry about it eh? I'm safe at least :P.

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