Orbis non sufficit

Tuesday, August 10, 2004
[Oh what a deluded quiz]
Category I - The Hub
You're a 'people person'. Networking runs in your
blood. Consequently, you can move through most
social circles with ease.
What Type of Social Entity are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
"People" person?? What the hell kind of crap is that? Bah.
Anyhow, time for an update. Hmm, well my deal with getting a viola has been postponed until I get more money, I managed to get the guy to cut $500 off the cool version, but I still can't afford it. He's giving me till november. Not sure if I can manage that but meh.
In other news I stuck around and watched the monash wushu club train after kendo. I even joined in a little. It was pretty cool, they do a lot of spinning and jumping and stuff, along with some fancy weapons work. I will definately join them. It's gonna be tricky though, it requires a certain grace I don't seem to have mastered from karate. I'll have to relearn about half my karate training while learning wushu, they believe that you only need balance to have power, so I'll have to get in touch with the "ju" (or soft). Should be good for my karate though, since we believe in a similar thing there. The sensei there is pretty good, I didn't see him do a lot but apparantly he was in some top national team in China along with Jet Li a while back. I'm thinking he may have injured himself in some way, which is how he ended up down here. I could be wrong, but he seemed to avoid doing the stances and things himself. It could just be that he didn't feel it was nessecary. I'm probably the only one there who doesn't know the basic idea of them after all.
Oh yes, I have also started writing a symphony. Crazy? Quite possibly. The way I've planned it it will go for around 40-50 minutes. It's gonna take forever to write. Oh well, it's pretty cool so far. I've been writing the first movement, its all epic. At the moment it's simply called "The Pirate Symphony" but maybe I'll think of a cooler name later, like "The Pirates of Donkey Cove" or "The Secret of Monkey Island".

Category I - The Hub
You're a 'people person'. Networking runs in your
blood. Consequently, you can move through most
social circles with ease.
What Type of Social Entity are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
"People" person?? What the hell kind of crap is that? Bah.
Anyhow, time for an update. Hmm, well my deal with getting a viola has been postponed until I get more money, I managed to get the guy to cut $500 off the cool version, but I still can't afford it. He's giving me till november. Not sure if I can manage that but meh.
In other news I stuck around and watched the monash wushu club train after kendo. I even joined in a little. It was pretty cool, they do a lot of spinning and jumping and stuff, along with some fancy weapons work. I will definately join them. It's gonna be tricky though, it requires a certain grace I don't seem to have mastered from karate. I'll have to relearn about half my karate training while learning wushu, they believe that you only need balance to have power, so I'll have to get in touch with the "ju" (or soft). Should be good for my karate though, since we believe in a similar thing there. The sensei there is pretty good, I didn't see him do a lot but apparantly he was in some top national team in China along with Jet Li a while back. I'm thinking he may have injured himself in some way, which is how he ended up down here. I could be wrong, but he seemed to avoid doing the stances and things himself. It could just be that he didn't feel it was nessecary. I'm probably the only one there who doesn't know the basic idea of them after all.
Oh yes, I have also started writing a symphony. Crazy? Quite possibly. The way I've planned it it will go for around 40-50 minutes. It's gonna take forever to write. Oh well, it's pretty cool so far. I've been writing the first movement, its all epic. At the moment it's simply called "The Pirate Symphony" but maybe I'll think of a cooler name later, like "The Pirates of Donkey Cove" or "The Secret of Monkey Island".
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