
Orbis non sufficit

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


So, I was up at uni today for a wushu demonstration, and also to check out the stalls, talk to people and get free food. It was pretty cool, the demonstration went pretty well. We had a couple of crowd participation "games" afterwards, they were fairly lame though. They get points for trying, the trying to hit water balloons with swords thing was cool in principle but they were too nice, they didn't throw them at the volunteers very hard and weren't really all that good at hitting the balloons themselves. Be good to try if we were more pro.
Saw quite a few familiar faces, got various comments about the hair being cut (I had kind of forgotten that they didn't know). When I first arrived, I was coming around the corner heading towards the science society office, and before I even saw much of the tents and festivities I heard a familiar chant and thought to myself "Yep, I'm back at uni".
Anyway I shall be heading up again tomorrow, Steve's coming and hopefully we'll manage to drag a few of you guys along too. Should be good.
As for the title, the motorsport club were out there with their little formula one car from last year. That thing is pretty cool, sounds fairly awesome also. I'm thinking I'll join them in the building of this year's car, they go down to frankston tafe and do machining and welding short courses and design all the parts in CAD packages and such. Build the entire thing from scratch pretty much. Should be fun, also I should learn some skills that will be pretty useful when I want to go building a prototype balloon craft, and other crap which I would like to build. Gotta get me a workshop sometime.

haha yeah gotta get going on that balloon, ure extra curriculum list is just getting bigger and bigger hey.
Yeah it seems to be, though I still don't really feel like I'm getting involved. Most stuff I just rock up and learn some things, this project would be a lot more involving I think. Make me feel like I took advantages of the opportunities available at uni.
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