
Orbis non sufficit

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Just a short one since I should really be in bed, exam in the morning and all.
I was just sitting here look at my sheet music for "Folk Tune and Fiddle Dance" by Percy E. Fletcher, which I payed $100 for (it does have multiple copies of parts for violin 1 & 2, viola and cello, so its not quite as bad as it sounds). I've decided that a page of well-written sheet music is actually quite beautiful to behold, there's some quite special about it. Kind of similar to the way a page of well-written mathematics is quite beautiful to see. Perhaps that connection can help those of you who are more inclined to one than the other understand what I mean. Its sort of an interesting thing for me to say at the moment, since I've been trying to learn a fair bit of music by ear recently, and memorise an amount of other stuff so that I don't have to be trapped looking at my music when I practice or play, though it's rather different and has a beauty of its own. Its quite interesting how a piece can become much more beautiful just because its been memorised and the player more free to put their own interpretation into it.
Ok thats enough, must sleep. Adios amigos.

Music isn't just learning notes and playing them, You learn notes to play to the music of your soul.
Perfectly put Shaz.

It's all about the expression really, that's why it's very hard to make a synthesised recording sound quite as good as one that's actually performed; it's technically perfect, but there's no feeling.
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