
Orbis non sufficit

Monday, April 14, 2008

I don't have anything in particular i wanted to talk about, I just figured it had been a while since I blogged and I happen to have a few spare minutes to kill. Just been at karate, was good fun. Feel like I need to work on my shikodachi (horse stance), legs feel weak. One must have strong legs to have good shikodachi.
Haven't been doing a lot except uni and karate these days. It's cool learning the things I do at uni, but it's hard work and melts my brain after a while. I sleep on the couch in our office in the middle of the day sometimes just to give my brain a rest. Been sleeping more recently too since I'm getting more tired. I blamed my diet at first but then I improved it and it didn't help as much as I was hoping. Definately helped, but there seems to be nothing like lots of sleep for mental recuperation.
Been reading an interesting book recently, "The Road to Reality" by Roger Penrose. It is subtitled "A complete guide to the laws of the universe". It's fairly extensive. It explains things in quite a simple way though, with a minimum of math, which is nice. I'm not saying it has no math, in fact it has quite a lot of math compared to the average book, but it is the minimum needed to explain things like general relativity and string theory. I think everyone should read it, it starts from like year 10 maths so no excuses. It presents interesting points of view on deep questions regarding the nature of life the universe and everything.
Anyway, not much else has been happening. Been talking to steve about this trekking the world idea. I do like the sound of it, especially because it will be winter in the northern hemisphere and I can drag my snowboard up to scotland and other crazy places in europe. Plus I need a break from all the learning I've done for the last 18 years or whatever. Be cool to cruise the world for a while. I'd need money though, could be an issue.
Getting a bit of the old unguided life vibe that's going around. I know none of us really know what we want to do with our lives, and some of you may say I'm better off than others, however I owe a whopping great debt to the government that many of you don't. That certainly bites.
I should probably do a PhD or something, though I'll need to do pretty well with this whole research project dealy. I've gone this far with the whole student thing, might as well do it a bit longer, get paid for it, and then get to call myself "Dr Farmer". That's gotta be worth bonus points.
But a crazy end-of-undergraduate-phase-of-life adventure across europe and asia would be pretty sweet to do first.

We spoke about most of this the other night in the car, but I thought I would comment briefly anyway...
I too love the idea of going to Europe, I have wanted to go on a trip like this since the age of 16, but I don't know how realistic this idea is, at least for me. I REALLY wanna go though, we will see.
As Steve likes to point out frequently, I am a few years older than most of you, and yet, I still have no idea what I wanna do with my life, so I'm not surprised many of you don't either. I mean, I have long term goals and family plans, but as to when these will take place is unknown. I don't think anyone can fully plan out their life, and in all honesty, would you really want to? Life would be very boring and predictable if we all knew what the future held for us. It's ok being uncertain about the future, although having a little structure and life goals is always a good thing :)
We spoke about your PhD the other night, you know my feelings on the matter, bring on Dr. Farmer :D
I'm pretty sure you'll have no worries getting the PhD scholarship. As far as I can tell you know more and are keener about physics than everyone else in your office (at least the ones I know).

After crazy world trip you'll be fully refreshed to mooch your free 20k per year from the government while learning shiteloads of cool stuff.

Shaz: I don't care about having a plan, it'd be nice to have some idea what sort of job I'd like to do though.

Steve: It may seem that way, but I'm not sure that I study harder than them so I could easily get screwed if I'm not careful. Plus Leon and Dilani are pretty cluely. Kent is pretty pro with his experimental crap too, fortunately he won't be applying for a phd next year :p.
But ya, world trip will rock. hope i get the marks tho, otherwise it will be a bit depressing to cruise off with no idea of what I'll do when I get back.
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